1. Iran's COVID-19 has repeatedly been confirmed - re-spreading concern
Iran's Ministry of Health announced on the 8th (local time) that as of noon, the number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus infection (Korona 19) increased by 1,556 from the previous day to 104,691.
The daily number of confirmed new patients is 71 more than the previous day's 1,485.
In the past two weeks, Iran's daily number of new confirmed cases seemed to have dropped below 1,000, but increased this week to 1,680 on Thursday, repeating its ups and downs.
Iran's health authorities eased "social distance" policies such as restrictions on operations and a ban on cross-regional movement on April 18 in consideration of economic impact.
Health authorities are paying close attention to the recent rise in the number of new confirmed cases as it could be a statistical sign that the epidemic has re-spread due to easing distance.
There is a possibility of re-proliferation as the number of new confirmed cases increased by more than 11,000 per day this week.
The death toll rose 55 from the previous day to 6,541 (fatal rate of 6.2 percent). Daily new deaths fell by 13 from 68 the previous day.
Accumulated total healers stood at 83,837 with a cure rate of 80.1 percent.
2. More than 10,000 people have been confirmed in the sixth day of Russian COVID-19 - "Infectious 187,000 people"
Russia's new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has been confirmed by more than 10,000 people for six consecutive days, with the cumulative number of confirmed cases surpassing 187,000 on the 8th (local time).
Russia's cumulative number of confirmed cases remains the world's fifth largest after Britain.
The Russian government's new anti-coronavirus infection (COVID-19) inflow and anti-proliferation headquarters said on the same day, "There have been 10,699 additional confirmed cases in 83 regions across the country, including Moscow," adding, "The cumulative number of confirmed cases has increased to 187,859."
With 5,846 additional confirmed cases in Moscow alone, the cumulative number of infections increased to 98,522, nearing the 100,000 mark.
In addition, 918 new confirmed cases were reported in Moscow, outside Moscow, 375 in St. Petersburg, and 276 in the central city of Nishangolod.
The government's task force said 26,608 of the confirmed patients have been completely cured so far, with 2,805 discharged in the past day alone.
The number of examinations recorded 180,000 in one day, up from 4.98 million in total.
The task force also introduced that about 48 percent of new confirmed cases are asymptomatic.
The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Russia is increasing rapidly as local health authorities conduct large-scale checkups.
The number of new confirmed patients per day, which exceeded the 10,000 mark for the first time on the 3rd, has remained at a similar level for six consecutive days until the same day, increasing the cumulative number of confirmed patients.